Hurdle Machine Works, Inc.
Featured Products
Hurdle 4 HB Grade Mill
Hurdle 4 HB Grade Mill
Our time-tested 2, 3, or 4 headblock circle mill package is still the fastest, easiest, and most affordable way to start up a sawmill for your business.
Each mill package includes the mill platform, husk, track, offbearer belt, carriage feed, log turner, log deck, cab, setworks, and carriage.
Options include the patented Hurdle Vertical Edger, Top Saw, Cant Turners, Hammer Dog, Computer Setworks and more.
“17 Million BF of Grade Lumber… 14” average dia...
17 Million BF of Grade Lumber 14 average diameter hardwood logs... We currently run four Hurdle sawmills and they give us the versatility to cut cants, ties, grade and feed our thin-kerf grade resaws. Durable, well constructed and affordable with very high resale value, Hurdle has been a big part of our success for the past 25 years. You could spend four to five million dollars building a mill to square logs for a resaw, but why? Hurdle is the MOST cost effective headsaw, no other sawmill can produce like this and keep total capital investment this low! Thats why weve been running Hurdle sawmills since the mid-80s. Currently were producing 32 million BF per year with a 35 overrun on logs 14 and larger with approximately 5248 split on grade and ties-blocking.
Brandon & Hugh Wayne Clark / Clark Lumber Company
Red Boiling Springs, TN