It is our goal at Kittrell Sawmill Brokers and Appraisers to bring the Forest Products Industry services with high standards of integrity; assisting them with an easy convenient way to stay connected to machinery for sale, to offer a means to sell machinery at private sale and at auction and offer appraisal services that will allow companies to remain diversified and competitive in today’s global wood products market.
77 Results Found

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Barko 495B Crawler Knuckleboom Loader. Well Maintained. Located in Tazewell,VA Contact Zach Kittrell for more information. 931-224-0699
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2016 Barko 495B Knuckelboom Boom MPM Loader, Located in Tazewell, VA. Owner Retiring. Contact Zach Kittrell for more information. 931-224-0699
Campbell Super Nailer, (4) Stringer, (2) Sided Nailer w/ infeed & discharge w/ finished pallet stacker, (Ref #168) Call 931-797-6284 for more information
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Case Farmall 75A Tractorw/ 74 engine hp, 3 pt hitch with dual hydraulics, new tires, 30 engine hours, 60 HP PTO, No DPF No Regen, 4,299 hitch lifting capacity, clean includes little fella seat with seat belt, all with an all weather cab. L610 Front End Loader is brand new. Location: 6901 US 167, Ville Platte, LA 70585
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930K Caterpillar wheel loader, 2014 with 12798 hours, bucket and forks included located in Tazewell, VA Contact Zach Kittrell for more information. 931-224-0699 Well Maintained and ready to work for you.
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2005 226 Caterpillar Skid Steer. Located in Tazewell, VA Well Maintained. Contact Zach Kittrell for more information 931-224-0699
2015 226B3 Caterpillar Skid Steer, SN 0MWD07870, 9007 hours. Located in Tazewell, VA. Contact Zach Kittrell for more information. 931-224-0699
2015 P5000 Caterpillar Forklift, Hours 8102, Well Maintained! Located in Tazewell.VA. Contact Zach Kittrell for more information. 931-224-0699
Chase Turbine Mfg. Co. Sawyer's Favorite hand set sawmill, immaculate condition (3 HB), wood & steel frame, 40' track, in track mount carriage drive drum & cable, 100 HP 220V head saw motor w/ WEG soft start MCC, include off bear belt on husk frame & outfeed belt conveyor, (1) w/ shaft mount reduction drive, Selling with (See Chase Edger under Edgers)ref #204, Contact Jackie 931-698-3342
Chase (2) saw board edger, 30" wide w/ (1) movable saw w/ 40 HP motor 230/460 V 1765 RPM w/ HD spiked feed rolls, (2) inserted tooth saws, outfeed steel deck table w/ bar sweep to transfer board to discharge belt, (Selling with sawmill, See Chase Sawmill under Circular Sawmill), ref #204, Contact Jackie Kittrell 931-698-3342
CM & E 60" HFBD 6 knife chipper (has broken pulley, but may have a possible replacement) (ref# 165) Call Amy for more information 928-723-9449
PRICED REDUCED Cone 2-Saw Independent Arbor Optimized High Speed Edger, 4/4 to 4" runs 14 boards per minute W/ Tailing Device W/ Innovec Generation III Controls W/ Lots of Spare Boards & Parts to Keep Software Running, Includes MIC Unscrambler, with even ender up top. Scanning Bar and hi-speed indexible infeed and tailing belt outfield. On the ground and ready to load. Taken out with Videos and instructions to re-install. A must. Ref #131
OWNER IS RETIRING! Sliding Gravity Roll Case for Straight Line Rip Saw, Special Design w/ air stop brakes, (2) steel overhead mounts and one laser light, Excellent for Precision Edging. Seller will load on your truck. (ref #74) Call Rachel for more information 931-797-6284
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2018 Dorsey Trailer, Good tires, maintained well, located in Tazewell, VA Contact Zach for more information. Ready to hit the road. 931-224-0699
Edmiston (4) head block carriage Model 36 w/ track & bumpers w/ Tyrone Berry SMA 225 hydraulic carriage drive & power unit, includes (2) saw hydraulic set vertical edger w/ saws, Silvatech setworks & saw cab - No husk frame... great to run with a band mill or we can find you a husk frame. (Price is loaded on buyer’s truck) (Ref #151) Call Amy Cross for more information. 928-723-9449
Edmiston 48” (4) HB circular sawmill, tong dog, includes chain type log turner, 30 HP hydraulics for carriage & turner, mill cuts up to 24’, includes husk frame w/ top saw, 15’ slab dump conveyor, Tyrone 150 HP shot gun carriage drive (only 4 years old!) w/ Z-Set setworks or can use standard Edmiston setworks, . Seller will remove. (ref #181) Call Amy for more information (928) 723-9449
Frick 4 HB hand set mill, air dogs, air tapers, handset, air receeder, lumber dial .56 circular saw, 213 Berry feed, Mellott #5 turner w/ pump tank controls, shop built (3) strand live deck, Mellott roll case w/ cant kicker, transfer to edger, Frick (2) saw edger w/ laser lights, Frick 2-saw DET w/ hydraulic set w/ cup conveyor for waste, mill will produce 8 to 12 M per shift in lumber and cants - Note: Frick won’t be ready for buyer pick up until mid-July. (REF #161) Call Amy (928) 723-9449
air exchange horizontal tank mount air compressor, (2) 15 HP dual compressor, Ref #204, Call 931-797-6284 New coupling and electrical switch repair ready to work. Dual Air compressor (2) 15 HP pumps